
I was passing on a transit bus when I saw this mural covered hotel along the route and I had to get several shots. I include this one with the inclusion of the cyclist to give a sense of the scale of the mural which covered the south side of the hotel as well as the front of the hotel. Another mural covered the north side of the same hotel (on the right in the image behind the chain link fence).

EN MASSE (French) as a whole, or all together. EN MASSE is a Montreal based, multi-artist collaborative drawing project. It draws life from the many creative individuals who take part in the project to create large-scale, highly spontaneous drawings in black and white. EN MASSE explores the creation of a collective vision; works created together that are greater than any one person could create alone.

Artists Jason Botkin, MC Baldassari, Takashi Iwasaki, Jade Rennie-Harper, Storm Angeconeb, Matea Radic, Jay Cabredo, Charlie Johnston (C5 Artworks) (painting collectively as EN MASSE)

Nik detail extractor
CS5 curves (set to white point)

Nikon D7100
AF-S Nikkor 18-140mm
f4 1/5000 22mm

Taken November 2, 2017.

Posted by Jan Bjorklund on Sun, 11/12/17 20:29
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Comments by Jan Bjorklund on Sun, 11/12/17 20:30

south side of New West Hotel

CS5 auto contrast
curves (set to white point .70 normal)

Comments by Jan Bjorklund on Sun, 11/12/17 20:31

moving south along Main we get a reflection of the south side of the New West Hotel showing in the windows of the Vineyard Church

CS5 curves (set to white point)
Nik detail extractor

Comments by Jan Bjorklund on Sun, 11/12/17 20:43

moving to south side of the building housing the Vineyard Church we find this mural

Artists: Shalak Attack & Bruno Smoky

Shalak Attack: "The title of this image is 'Mending'. She's mending a heart that has a rip in it. There's light coming out of the heart too. She's mending the broken heart but there's still hope because out of the heart comes the light."

"She's representing a unity of First Nations, First Peoples of the Americas- from the very South to the very North. We utilized the patterns on her poncho to illustrate the different cultures and communities from here going all the way South. She also has muskox on her hat, which Vineyard Church says was a big inspiration for them. The muskox circle their young and protect them when wolves and other predators come and target the weaker ones. They are circling her hat like a crown for protection."

"She has her poncho on, and underneath where her body is supposed to be she turns to sky and landscape. It's also a way to honour Mother Nature. The prairies and the grasslands are also in there. She's healing the broken heart but she's also positive about it."

Comments by Jan Bjorklund on Mon, 11/13/17 20:23

the north side of New West Hotel

Artists' Statement: "We propose to represent two pairs of distinct and oppositional animals: the rabbit and the snake, the bear and the deer."

"Our intention behind utilizing this imagery is multifaceted. We would like to simultaneously acknowledge the strength and necessity for diversity and independence while embracing the need for acceptance, tolerance and mutual respect of individual differences. We have positioned the animals head to head so that they are gazing into one another's eyes in a peaceful manner. These animals will stand alone and beautiful in and of themselves, yet they will forever exist in a state of mutual awareness, acknowledgement, trust and respect for one another. Surrounding the animals will exist a network of foliage and graphic elements of design, reflecting the dynamism and diversity of our five distinct artistic styles, which will merge together at the point in which the animals meet one another. We would like each wall to make a strong, simple positive statement that speaks to the very essence of community. One wall will read LIFE and the other wall will read TOGETHER. The words can be read as a statement, or they can stand alone."

For a number of years there were two murals combined into one on this wall of a historic train and a more contemporary one

Comments by Paul Bracey on Tue, 11/14/17 01:18

Great work!

Comments by J. Rogers on Tue, 11/14/17 01:30

Agree. Great work!

Comments by Sandi MacDonald on Tue, 11/14/17 11:25

I have seen a lot of murals around here but nothing like the sizes you have found. All interesting.;-)

Comments by G.B. SHETTLER on Tue, 11/14/17 14:37

Have not seen these newly art-ed buildings. I don't come into
Winnipeg too much anymore. Thanks for the great journey Jan !!

Comments by Jan Bjorklund on Fri, 11/17/17 20:50

across an empty lot from the mural Together we find the second part of the mural called Life with a similar theme to that of Together; namely, to represent two pairs of distinct and oppositional animals: the rabbit and the snake, the bear and the deer.

Comments by Jan Bjorklund on Fri, 11/17/17 20:51

a portion of a mural on the rear wall of the New West Hotel

Artist(s): Vladimir Kraynyk, Jade Rennie-Harper, Ten Spheres, Brian Gasenzer (as Cash Akoza)